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Unsorted things I have made or am maintaining which don't fit anywhere else.

Unrelated Tidbits
Things that have nothing to do with games, but may be of use to someone.
  • Regions and capitals (German) - Sortable lists of administrative regions and their capitals in Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Japan and the Netherlands (German names).
  • Animal tables (German) - Pictured tables of storks (ciconiidae), sea turtles (chelonioidea), owls native to Germany, goats (capra), swans (cygnus), weasels (mustela) and foxes (vulpes). Pictures are embedded from Wikimedia commons, German names.
  • Landkreise and coats of arms of Lower Saxony (German) - List of districts (Landkreise) of Lower Saxony with their respective coats of arms and explanations.
  • Freerice French vocabulary question data (.xls, .csv) - A table of all questions and answers from Freerice's French vocabulary category (question, correct answer, wrong answers, difficulty level).
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